In The Words of Our President “The Best Is Yet To Come”

1st and Foremost Congratulations to the 44th and 45th President of the United States of America Mr.Barack Hussein Obama,I never been so proud to be an American as I am today,Wednesday November 7th,2012! At the very minute of 11:15 p.m. of November 6th,2012 I knew it was another defeat;before it was announced at 11:20 p.m. my mind and body felt a sign of relief and it was alright to breathe again! I Thank You for living up to your plan and promise.

It took you little over 2 years to bring some sort of peace and order to our country with the raid and capture of Osama bin Laden head of the militant group al-Qaeda,during your 1st term you also decreased unemployment rates & allowed more people to be put back to work,and although many may not support or agree with it you are the 1st President to give all Americans the comfort in loving openly and freely by supporting and legalizing same sex marriage,no it’s not in my christian belief to support same sex relationships,but I salute you for allowing everyone equally to exercise their 1st amendment rights.

On Inauguration Day of January 20th,2009 you stood before this nation and spoke with intelligence,confidence,and (and something we’re unlikely to find in our Leaders,nowadays) humbleness… you’ve witnessed in this 2012 campaign run with your “running mate”. Vice President Joe Biden has the same humble spirit as you,and I will like to take this moment to acknowledge Our 2nd Family Mr.Joe Biden & Mrs Dr.Jill Biden your grace and dedication to our country,Our President,and your job as The Vice President of The United States of America do not go unnoticed and we know our President picked the best man for this job. I will truly like to Thank You both from the bottom of my heart for the comfort you have insured this nation with; and confidence to believe “Yes We Can” and the courage in “Moving Forward”! You have the same dream for my son Alijah that you all have for Beau,Hunter,Ashley,Malia,and Sasha……and together we will continue to live out this American Dream.

Mrs.Michelle Obama how lucky we are for Our President to have fallen in love with such wonderful 1st Lady…..he could not have picked a better woman for us to have as our 1st Lady of The United States of America. I am aware that she is your wife and Malia and Sasha’s mom before anything,but the impact she has made of this nation,the children,and adults alike is so amazing. She is such a breath of fresh air and yes we have fallen in love with her also:her style,her beauty,& her charisma is a unspeakable….She has turned into our modern day Jacqueline Kennedy right before our eyes….and as down to earth as we all know and can see she is,I feel safe in saying,”You Go Girl”!!!! 1st Lady Michelle Obama is also well known for her campaign launch of  Let’s Move! a challenge to fight and resolve the childhood obesity epidemic within a generation,and In 2011, Mrs. Obama and Dr. Jill Biden together launched Joining Forces, a nationwide initiative that mobilizes all sectors of society to give our service members and their families the opportunities and support they have earned. Yes,our 1st Lady is the prime example of behind every great and successful man is a great and successful woman….We have a power couple in charge of our country and you both inspire me to be all I can be,to always be of service to others,and when I meet my lifetime partner who will be my Barack…… I will with all that’s in me try my hardest to be his Michelle,God Bless You & God Bless America!!!!!

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